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Sustainable Buildings

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Energy and Carbon


Energy and Carbon Assessment

Question #

E1.1a – Mechanical System Assessment


Has a walk-through Energy and Carbon Assessment been completed in the last five (5) years?


Not Applicable to Light Industrial or Open-Air Retail Buildings


Yes or No


The Condition Assessment contains a list of Tactical and Strategic items and is used to gather a better understanding of how the building is operating in its present state and how funds need to be saved and/or allocated to repair or replace various items. Tactical items are those that will require attention within the first five (5) years of the report’s completion, whereas Strategic items are those that are looked at after five (5) years and are typically reviewed in the ten (10) year capital asset management plan.


The Mechanical Systems Condition Assessment, must cover the following:

  1. List the mechanical equipment, installation date and anticipated remaining useful life.
  2. Indicate required replacement date, highlighting equipment that will require replacement in the next 10 years


Condition Assessment Report of Mechanical Systems

BB3 Equivalent

Question 09.02.01 – Has a property condition assessment (PCA) report been completed for this building within the past five (5) years?


Third Party




Other Notes



Focus Area Energy & Carbon
Topic Energy and Carbon Assessment
# E1.0a – Walkthrough Energy & Carbon Assessment
Question Has a walk-through Energy and Carbon Assessment been completed in the last five (5) years?
Applicability Not Applicable to Light Industrial or Open-Air Retail Buildings
Answer Yes

Assessments allow building management to identify opportunities for operational optimization and capital upgrades, focusing on the highest impact systems and areas. 

To generate recommendations for no- and low-cost energy conservation measures (ECMs) and carbon reduction measures (CRMs) as well as more capital-intensive upgrades, assessments should include estimates of potential savings for proposed measures, and consider implementation costs. Measures selected for implementation can then be added to plans and budgets.


The Energy and Carbon Assessment Report, must cover the following: 

  1. Building and system description and review, interviews with building O&M staff – If the site visit was completed remotely, describe steps taken to become familiar with the building’s construction, equipment, operation, and maintenance to demonstrate that the assessment acurately reflects on-site conditions. 
  2. Energy utility history (at least 12 months of continuous data, typically the previous 24-36 months of data) for each energy source
  3. Carbon emission history (at least 12 months of continuous data, typically the previous 24-36 months of data) for each carbon source (see References and Other Notes)
  4. Baseline energy consumption and carbon emissions with benchmarking
  5. Low- and no-cost energy conservation and carbon reduction measures, with high level costing, simple payback and anticipated savings Also see Other Notes.
Note: Energy use data does not have to be included. The focus here is on gaining a sense what end-uses consume the most energy and what opportunities / challenges exist to improve the energy performance of that end-use. Questions about the energy use data, measurable impact and analysis of trends follow in subsequent sections.
Documentation Walk-through Energy and Carbon Assessment Report
BB3 Equivalent Best Practice 2 – Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?
Lead In-house
References ASHRAE Level I Audit: https://www.techstreet.com/ashrae/standards/ashrae-211-2018?product_id=2016437 Energy Star Carbon Emissions: https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/pdf/reference/Emissions.pdf Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) Global Pathways: https://www.crrem.org/ 
Crosswalk TBD
Other Notes The assessment methodology should at least align with an ASHRAE Level I Audit. Refer to Energy Star for carbon emission calculations. If other carbon emission factors are used, explain reasoning and factors applied.
Scoring Essential