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Sustainable Buildings

Asset Types

Focus Area Energy & Carbon
Topic Energy and Carbon Assessment
# E1.0b – Identify Largest End-Uses
Question Have the largest energy end uses been identified?
Applicability Not Applicable to Office or Healthcare Buildings
Identify which energy-consuming end uses are present at the building. Rank them in order of annual amount of energy used, 1 up to 13, with “1” being an estimate of the largest energy user. Indicate whether the end-use is managed by the Landlord or Tenant.
Type of Energy End-Use Rank Landlord or Tenant Controlled or Shared Select Not Applicable if the end-use type is not used at the building.
Space Heating    
Space Cooling    
Air Distribution (fans)    
Energy Distribution (pumps)    
Domestic Hot Energy    
Plug Loads    
Process Loads    
Information Technology    
Other Uses    
Description The most effective energy reduction strategies will focus efforts on the end uses with the highest consumption. Building operations and management teams should determine the largest end uses and consider opportunities for sub-metering significant loads such as tenant process loads or mechanical equipment.

Provide a brief report that identifies and describes each end-use present at the building. Briefly explain the logic applied to rank the respective energy end-uses from largest to smallest energy user.

For end-uses managed by the landlord, describe any energy conservation measures (ECMs) already implemented and remaining opportunity for improvement, as applicable. Indicate if an end-use has no improvement opportunity.

Note: Energy use data does not have to be included. The focus here is on gaining a sense what end-uses consume the most energy and what opportunities / challenges exist to improve the energy performance of that end-use. Questions about the energy use data, measurable impact and analysis of trends follow in subsequent sections.

Documentation Walk-through Energy End-Use Report
BB3 Equivalent Best Practice 2 – Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?
Lead In-house
References ASHRAE Level I Audit: https://www.techstreet.com/ashrae/standards/ashrae-211-2018?product_id=2016437
Crosswalk TBD
Other Notes None
Scoring Essential