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eLearning Development & Delivery Services - Request For Proposal

1. Overview

1.1 Company Overview
About BOMA Canada:

BOMA Canada is a not-for-profit industry association representing and serving the interests of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) industry in Canada. We are a federated organization with over 115 years of history deeply rooted with eleven local BOMA associations across Canada. Our broader membership represents leading owners and managers of commercial real estate, developers, leasing organizations as well as service providers. We develop and deliver programs and initiatives to advance better building performance, operational excellence, and emission reduction. We also facilitate exchange of ideas and management best practices that support our member associations in the areas of professional development, advocacy and building environment management program (BOMA BEST®).

BOMA Canada is an affiliated member of BOMA International, a federation of 93 BOMA U.S. associations, BOMA Canada and its 11 regional associations and 13 BOMA international affiliates.

About ESDC:

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) works to improve the standard of living and quality of life for all Canadians. ESDC does this by promoting a labour force that is highly skilled. We also promote an efficient and inclusive labour market.


1.2 Project Objectives

It is the objective of BOMA Canada to produce a world-class, self-paced, engaging and interactive eLearning experience for the learners taking our course with special emphasis placed on:

  • Meeting our timeline constraints
  • Engaging industry experts to gather and write the required course materials
  • Engaging industry experts to receive consent, gather and place all required learning content visuals
  • Meeting the requirements established for gathering and developing the eLearning course materials
  • Meeting the requirements for the learner experience
2. Scope of Work

2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) process is to invite experienced and capable eLearning development vendors to submit their proposals for delivering content development and delivery services to support BOMA Canada’s project to develop and deliver low-carbon skill training to building operators of commercial real estate industry in Canada. This document contains the requirements necessary for your submission and a successful end- product.



2.2 Schedule

This schedule is based on our current timelines and requirements and cannot be altered.

Project Milestones          


RFP Close Date

May 31, 2023


June 2, 2023

Selection of Vendor

June 6, 2023

Completion of eLearning Project Content

July 28, 2023

LMS Launch Date

September 30, 2023


3. Proposal Submission Procedure

3.1 Vendor RFP Reception

By responding to this RFP, the vendor agrees to be responsible for fully understanding the requirements or other details of the RFP and will ask any questions to ensure such understanding is gained.  BOMA Canada retains the right to disqualify vendors who do not demonstrate a clear understanding of our needs.  Furthermore, the right to disqualify a vendor extends past the contract award period and BOMA Canada will be at no fault, cost, or liability.

3.2 Good Faith Statement

All information provided by BOMA Canada is offered in good faith. Specific items are subject to change at any time based on business circumstances.

BOMA Canada does not guarantee that any particular item is without error.

3.3 Proposal Submission Guidelines

Please submit your proposal via email to (BOMA Canada Name) on or before May 29, 2023. Please send questions related to this RFP, and vendor proposals to:

BOMA Canada

Name: Michael Parker

Title: Manager, Marketing & Communication


NOTE: Any and all communication with BOMA Canada with respect to this RFP must be done via email at the address given above.            

3.4 Evaluation Criteria

All proposals will be evaluated systematically, based on the following key criterion.  The purpose of this section is to identify suppliers with the interest, capabilities, and financial ability to manage this eLearning project as defined in the “Scope of Work.”

Key evaluation criteria include:

  • Capabilities demonstrated with past eLearning development projects.
  • Capabilities demonstrated with internally developing, implementing and managing marketing programs.
  • Content development, ongoing management, and reporting.
  • Depth of capabilities/team.
  • Additional companies or partners that would be part of your overall project team.
  • Quality of the final eLearning product.
  • Your LMS solution and its capabilities.
  • Marketing expertise, marketing team, commercial real estate industry database, and internal media products to reach this market.
  • Price
3.5 Shortlist Selection

Vendors who have demonstrated their capacity to meet our needs and tight timelines will be contacted via phone and/or e-mail and notified of their selection to move forward in the RFP process. 

4. Scope of Work & Business Requirements

BOMA Canada will require the eLearning development vendor to deliver and manage the following project aspects:

4.1 Project Plan, Reports and Financials
  • Critical Path including Timelines: Prepare a critical path schedule for the project including timelines, deadlines, and key milestones.
  • Budget: Prepare an overall project budget. The budget will be approved by BOMA Canada prior to being executed. All budget revisions will require approval by BOMA Canada prior to their approval and reforecasting in the budget.
  • Reporting Requirements: Provide appropriate samples of your project reporting capabilities and software. Due to a tight timeline requirement, BOMA Canada is requesting two status reports per week delivered digitally and one F2F or video report per week.
4.2 Project Requirements

·Content and LMS: The vendor is responsible for the following:

  • Identification of and confirmation of a minimum of 15 different SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) who have expertise in this field.
    • Provide BOMA Canada with a list of proposed SME’s with your RFP submission.
    • Within 7 days of contract execution, provide executed copies of your signed agreements with the SMEs clearly indicating their commitment to provide the required content to meet the tight project deadline.
  • Assign a minimum of three internal content development specialists (editors) to liaise with the committed SMEs you have identified. Their requirement is to interview, write and edit content throughout the entire project to its completion while also sourcing visuals to complement the text.
    • Provide the CV’s and past work experience of the three internal staff members.
  • Assign two internal staff members to gather visuals.
    • Please provide samples of your internal sourcing processes and samples of your consent letters providing approval from the source(s) to use the images in perpetuity.
    • Provide the CV’s and past work experience of the two internal staff members.
  • All certificate visuals (photos, videos, graphs, etc.) are to be gathered from industry sources or developed by your internal design team. In some cases where stock images may need to be used, BOMA Canada has the right to see these visuals before they are downloaded and ultimately added to the certificate.
    • Please provide samples of your certificate outline document(s) and storyboards with your RFP submission.
  • If successful, provide BOMA Canada with access to all certificate development documents and storyboards so it can track progress.
  • Production of one complete certificate that is comprised of the following elements:
    • Eight (8), modules that are an average of 20 minutes in total length per module.
    • Please provide links to a minimum of three similar projects with your RFP submission.
    • A minimum of 7 quizzes/tests for each module.
    • Please provide samples of your quizzes/tests with your RFP submission.
    • A minimum of 3 SMEs are to be involved with each module who will be providing the module content.
    • Produced in both official languages (French and English)
    • Closed captioning and voice over are required. Both items will be in both official languages (French and English).
    • Produced in Adobe Captivate.
    • Please provide links to a minimum of three similar projects produced in Adobe Captivate with your RFP submission.
    • The finalized/approved certificate modules will be uploaded inside your organization’s LMS (Learning Management System).
    • Please provide links to your internal LMS where BOMA Canada can see a minimum of three different certificate samples.
    • Your LMS functionality will include the following:
    •  Registration
    • Please provide access to see this element with your RFP submission.
    • Auto-generated learner emails
      • Please provide samples of your auto-generated learner emails with your RFP submission.
      • Certificate badging, upon course completion
      • Please provide samples of your course certificates with your RFP submission.
      • A CE (Continuation Education) component with tracking and learner pathways.
      • Please provide a sample with your RFP response.  

· Expected Project Schedule: BOMA Canada is expected to fulfill its obligation under contract by March 31, 2024. As such, it is our requirement that key phases of this project be completed according to the schedule below:

  • Complete content development by: July 28, 2023
  • LMS launch-ready by: September 30, 2023
  • Start of Marketing & Communication by: September 1, 2023
  • Delivery of certificate: October 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024

· Certificate Marketing: A critical component for the success of this project is industry marketing. The vendor is responsible for the following marketing related items:

  • Verification that your organization has or has access to a Canadian extensive commercial real estate database of CASL compliant email addresses and physical mailing addresses.
    • Please send a breakdown of your database with this RFP response.
  • A dedicated internal marketing team that can develop, implement, and manage a 6- month, strategic marketing program related to the developed certificate.
    • Please provide the names, CV’s, and backgrounds of these internal staff members with your RFP response
    • Please also provide a 6-month marketing program campaign sample that was internally designed and managed.
    • Please provide samples of the media products that you would include in the 6-month marketing campaign (ex. print magazines, e-newsletters, websites, social media channels, shows/conferences, special events, etc.)
  • Provide campaign design elements using your internal team for the 6-month marketing program.
    • Please send the names, CV’s, backgrounds, and advertising and marketing program design samples related to your internal design team’s past work.   
  • Provide marketing program analytics on a weekly basis. These analytics would include individual campaign successes, open rates, clicks, and other details as requested by BOMA Canada.
    • Please provide samples of your analytic reports with your RFP submission.
  • Develop strategies for, book and internally manage a minimum of three face-to-face events across Canada over a 6-month timespan (exact dates and locations TBC). Your SOW for these events includes:
    • *Developing the event operational and marketing plans.
    • Researching/booking the venues
    • Researching/booking all required show service providers (ex. A/V, registration, etc.)
      • Please provide a list of the show service provider company names that your firm normally works with
    • F&B ordering
    • *Event marketing and promotion
    • *Weekly event reports
    • *Attendance promotion
    • Onsite management
    • *Financial reporting and final financial statements
    • *Surveys (design, circulation and tabulation of results)
    • *Final event report within 30 days of the conclusion of each event
      • Please provide the CV’s and work experience of your internal show team
      • Please also provide samples of the items listed above that are flagged with an *, but please remove any client company names from the samples.    


5. Vendor Information

All vendors must also submit the following information:

  • Corporate Overview: legal name; the number of employees.
  • Services: description of all services and products supplied.
  • Partners: list of current eLearning and event-related vendors and partners.
  • Customer References: a minimum of three firms that you did similar work for as outlined in this RFP. The list should include – company name, and your contact’s full name, title, email address, phone number associated with each project.
6. Estimated Budget & Resources Required

All vendors must provide a breakdown of costs related to this project as outlined in Section 4. Scope of Work and Business Requirements.

Finally, all proposals must include a project schedule & work breakdown structure, which identifies timelines, key milestones, project phases, or other project plan information.

*** End of Document ***