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BOMA Canada Plants It's First 4,500 Trees

BOMA Canada was excited to launch our 100,000 Tree Program at BOMEX 2019. For every building certified under BOMA BEST since September, we will plant 25 trees! Our goal is for our BOMA community to collectively plant at least 20,000 trees per year as they certify and recertify under BOMA BEST.

We are excited to announce we have already planted our first 4,500 trees. And we have already started tracking the impact of the trees we plant, down to the tree and/or building certification level and are looking forward to releasing our first report.

Prior to the launch, BOMA Canada surpassed 3,000 active BOMA BEST certifications and expect to double that number by 2023 if not sooner. And we’ve already started to plant those trees!