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2021 BOMA Canada Operating Expense Pass-Throughs and COVID-19 Guide

The pandemic has had an unprecedented impact across commercial real estate but one area that needs clarity is the effect on operating expense pass-throughs.  To help you manage this emerging issue, BOMA Canada and Inspire CRE are proud to release our newest guide,  “The Impact of COVID-19 of Operating Expense Pass-Throughs in Canadian Commercial Real Estate.” The guide breaks down opportunities and challenges on COVID-related operational expense pass-throughs including:

  • Deep cleaning and disinfecting costs
  • Additional janitorial service as buildings reopen (high touch point cleaning)
  • Re-occupancy costs (signage, partitions, hand sanitizer, communication to tenants to prepare to return to work, etc.)
  • Compliance costs (new protocols, testing, equipment, staffing, etc.)

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